Si los políticos no te representan…

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4 respuestas a Si los políticos no te representan…

  1. Rosabel dijo:

    Umm, are you really just giinvg this info out for nothing?

  2. Caiden dijo:

    Woot, I will cetarinly put this to good use!

  3. Why do copyright holders only allow people from certain countries to view their content?

  4. e-pity dijo:

    I wonder why those servers with copyrighted content stay up. I see a lot of «don’t post any US content» but they don’t care at all about content from japan.. . Is it just that Japan doesn’t care much about their copyright laws?. . It is hundreds or maybe even thousands of servers with content from Japan but they only get DMCA warnings for US material or something that got translated by a US company.. . They also often have some content on their website, like images or small archives..

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